A review by picaselle
The Way Inn by Will Wiles


I've read a few similar books recently - books that were average and not memorable, but somehow they sucked me in. "The Way Inn" was average but I found myself reading it on my way to work and during my short breaks. I read it quite quickly, considering how little time I actually had when I started it.

The first 60% of the novel is actually quite dull. All that happens revolves around conferences. I still can't understand how I went through all these pages of nothing much happening. Even when the plot picks up speed, it goes down a road I know every well; it felt like I read a similar book before. Moreover, I cared very little about the main character, or any of the characters to be honest. Still, I have to give credit to the author. His writing was so good that even though I was reading about things that I had no interest in whatsoever, I did not consider dropping this book even once.

All in all, I would say "The Way Inn" is perfect when you're looking for some light read that's not too long. It won't wow you but it'll provide a nice distraction.