A review by jotyler2021
Black and Blue by Gena Showalter


3 1/2 stars...Finally. I was pleasantly relieved to see that Gena broke through a barrier while writing this book. Although the writing still seems unsure and cautious at time, you can really see a vast improvement overall. And I have to say that it's a huge relief for me as a fan of Gena's books.

The story was interesting, reminding me of the Alien Huntress novels, which is a plus, and you get plenty of action and violence to go with it. Watching Blue and Evie's relationship develop was fun to watch; they really played off each other well. The chemistry is pretty hot, although not as steamy as the old Gena, I can definitely say the improvement is HUGE. But one thing I can confirm is that the sex scenes are much smoother going than previous bumbling attempts at them. And we don't need to wait for a wedding to get any action!

To sum up...this book is a big win for me. I am looking forward to book three, where we finally get to meet the elusive, John No Last Name.