A review by nicolemhewitt
Boundless by Cynthia Hand

This review was posted on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction.

I liked this book. A lot. I'm struggling with how to review the book without spoilers, but let me just say that fans on both sides of the love triangle (which really seems more central than any of the plot twists) will find things in this book to love - and things to hate. Clara struggles to sort out her feelings for both Tucker and Christian. And it truly is a struggle. There were many times in the book where I honestly wasn't sure which choice she was going to make. Still, I felt myself being frustrated by the extremely small role that Tucker played in Boundless. Honestly, since it had been a while since I had read the last book in the series, I found myself struggling to even remember what it was about Tucker that I loved so much. Since he only popped up in this book for short stints, I really had to rely on my memory for this, whereas the character of Christian was much better developed in the book. I would have liked a bit more balance since Clara herself was so unsure of her feelings.

As far as the rest of the plot goes, I thought that Hand gave us a satisfyingly exciting read. There were many twists and turns (a few of which I saw coming, but some that I did not) and the mystery behind Clara, Angela, and Christian's visions was unfolded slowly, but with many clues along the way. The end result was a fitting end to the Unearthly series - an end that will most likely satisfy most fans of the series and still keep them hoping for more. (Perhaps a future spin-off series? Who knows?)