A review by knod78
Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner


The best review I read only said, That’s not how concrete works.” Sounds about right.

I will say that this book did keep my attention. I was pretty sure the end plot, but then the author would throw in these random details that made me think otherwise. This is why Greenwich Park gets 2 stars.

HOWEVER, almost every character (except DCI Carter and sometimes Katie) in this book were despicable, self centered humans…and so very stupid, especially Helen. Helen, Dear God, could she BE anymore stupid? She allows a complete stranger in her home and then makes excuses for her. Serena is horrible and treats everyone like shit and that's before we find out the big reveal. Daniel, well, he's just an awful husband. Rory, is a typical rich boy who gets his own company. And then we get to Charlie...who rails against his rich brother and sister, but yet, comes from that money and has had money received. Katie was also stupid some times and she does lie a few times. Rachel is well, she's just a typical character that finds it's okay to torture a pregnant lady for no reason. She didn't do anything.

The writing was okay. It's clear she is an investigative reporter...to much detail without the actual flow of the story. There were repeated things and too much of foreshadowing spelled out. And I just didn't care about these people. And yes, that's not how concrete works.