A review by snakeboba
Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor


Once more Taylor painted a beautiful picture with remarkable words and eccentric ideas. Though as much as I would have enjoyed a little novella dedicated to how Karou and Akiva are doing after the war, but I am no less than pleased with Night of Cake & Puppets. It is a wonderful edition for fans that adore the series and needed a little bit more joy with all the heartache in-between from the main three.

Zuzana was a quirky little character one had to love. She was tough as nails and as tiny as one, but to be able to read how her heart melted for Mik is wonderful. No, it is delightful like hearing a child laugh. To witness her events to hook Mik in while Karou was off on her adventures was nothing short of beautiful.

In turn however we see snips of Mik admiring Zuzana from afar wanting her attention as much as she wanted his. Then he sees a moment to be part of her world, to be able to captivate her at least a fraction of what she has done to him. His actions are stunning, but nothing short to be expected of Mik we all read about. So you find yourself smiling like a fool, so taken back by how he flipped the night to be his as well.

Therefore if you loved [b:Daughter of Smoke & Bone|8490112|Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1)|Laini Taylor|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1338613368s/8490112.jpg|13355552] trilogy then you’ll certainly enjoy this tale about the puppet marker and the violist and how their love came to be.