A review by hennatattoo75
Symphony for a Deadly Throne by E.J. Mellow


2 Stars. First of all, I would like to thank NetGalley for the ARC of this book! I was really looking forward to it and I’m so glad I could get my hands on a copy!

Now for the review. This book is wonderfully written and the world building is incredible. I loved that we got a book that took place primarily in the Thief Kingdom and we learned some of the history of the the throne. I loved Arabessa’s character and learning about her struggles. I also loved her relationship with Zimri and the ANGST.

What really fell flat for me in this story was the ending. This book was a 5 star read for me up until around the 80% mark. I felt like the struggles Arabessa faced throughout her life with being the oldest sibling and the overwhelming responsibility that she felt with her family weren’t really resolved. In the end, she was STILL the person who had to make the sacrifices necessary for the people around her to be happy and I feel like a story that puts so much emphasis on having choices should have given it’s main character more than one route to be happy.

*Spoiler Alert*
I also HATE the trope of main characters (mostly women) giving up their power for their love interest. Arabessa loved her magic and it’s disappointing to see that being given up for Zimri.

Would I still recommend this series to people? Absolutely! I would definitely pick up any book E.J. Mellow writes and just because this book wasn’t for me doesn’t mean that others will not enjoy it.