A review by turquoiseavenue
Trapped in Yosemite by Dana Mentink


A thrilling, high-octane adventure to escape the crosshairs of a dangerous killer in the midst of a sudden, deadly earthquake in Yosemite National Park... If you love an exciting race-against-time, found family and hidden secrets, you'll want to try this story!

- A Young Mother Escaping a Murderous Killer
- Former Military K9 Handler and His Dog
- A Natural Disaster in the National Park
- Secrets, Lies, Deceit and Hidden Grief
- Found Family
- Strong, Faith-Based Motives
- Second Chance Romance

New-to-me author Dana Mentink delivers an thrilling, fast-paced story that immediately drew me in with its riveting first chapter.

With a strong thread of faith, many twists, turns, revelations and discoveries, Mentink carefully weaves a story of overcoming grief, moving forward, protecting family and discovering love. Plenty of suspense, a touch of romance, a dose of tension and a surprise, yet happily-ever-after ending make this a great read for readers who love romantic suspense.

When it came to the characters, the male lead, Von, took center stage with his tough, broken exterior and strong bond with his MWD/K9, Bear. There were several moments with Von and his dog, or his child, that melted my heart! I enjoyed the character growth that took place for Von during the story and the push-pull tension between him and his faith. Stella, the female lead, struck me as a young, protective mother who sometimes made naive decisions, but also had suffered some heavy losses. I admired how she kept pushing forward.

The ending left a little to be desired for me in terms of length. I wish it had been shorter, sweeter and faster. I was also left with some questions, but they weren't enough for me to go back to see if I'd missed them.

Overall, a solid four-star story!

Content and Trigger Warnings: Death of an infant, Child loss, Death of a Close Family Member

*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary e-copy of this book from the author. All thoughts are my own and I was not required to post a positive review.