A review by mororke
The Bone Queen by Alison Croggon

I began this book ten days ago. I really hoped I would be able to jump in with two feet and enjoy the story that sounded so excellent. I hate to admit that this is the second did not finish of the year, but I still want to explain why I didn’t finish the book.

The book begins with a letter from the author and explanation on how to pronounce some of the words of names and places. Once the actual book began, I was all ready to put it down for the night. I picked it back up the next day.

I understand needing to build the backstory to explain what is happening with Cadvan, but the descriptions are so wordy that I had to keep going back and re-reading entire paragraphs to see if I missed something. This wordiness made it difficult to move through. After ten days of struggling, I finally made it to 25% of the book and felt like the story hadn’t moved at all.

Perhaps I was not able to get into this book because it is a prequel and I haven’t read the rest of the series, but it isn’t for me. I’m sure for fans of the series it will be awesome to learn a bit more about where the overall story begins. For some one picking up the prequel first, it’s not my cup of tea.

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