A review by milenabates
Methuselah's Children by Robert A. Heinlein


Well, I'm not really sure where to begin with this. This is my first Heinlein. Thought I should give it a shot. I didn't even like fantasy or sci-fi until maybe ten years ago when I found what I liked. I did like Brave New World but I read that before my taste and personal philosophy evolved. I'm pretty sure I would still like it a lot better than this.

There are many elements of this that are entertaining and even thought provoking. A few elements of the world building are so well thought out, they make the ridiculous naive and dear I say lazy ones (please don't shoot) stand out even more. But some maddeningly talented writers can get away with ridiculous things and make them work (Gaiman, anyone?).

From the reviews, people like Lazarus Long as a character. I found him obnoxious. It's like John Wayne walked into Star Trek (wearing a kilt). No, thanks. No character development anywhere.

There are parts that read like thinly veiled racism. On the other hand, the ableism is not even a little bit veiled. I know I know I know it was published in the 40s when some of the slurs were medical terms. It's not just the language. The fact that eugenics was presented as a positive is highly problematic (understatement). The way disabled people were written is pretty much sickening. If this doesn't feel wrong, maybe ask why and read some books written by disabled people.

I would have given it two stars if it weren't for the latter issue. As it is, one is all I have left for it. I'm glad Heinlein inspired a lot of writers. His books are not for me.