A review by ruxandra_grr
This Accident of Being Lost: Songs and Stories by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson


after they stole you & you fought your way out, no one was going to fuck with you ever again. get your own gun. set your own net. shoot your own moose. get two husbands & a wife & make them all feel insane with good love. give birth to a nation in an inglorious way, crawling through feces & urine & dirt & the bloody underbelly of betrayal.

A really strong collection, enjoyed on audiobook. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson's voice guided me through this and I found it insightful and painful at times. It's deceptively simple, but very layered and full of meaning. And feelings. Some of the stories feel like vulnerable letters with fictionalized elements, but very *true*.

I do want to acknowledge that once again, I probably didn't understand everything, like I said in my review for Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies. But I was very happy to listen to it! And will most likely listen to it again and again.