A review by grovi1510
Aoc: The Fearless Rise and Powerful Resonance of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by Lynda Lopez


AOC is a collection of essays and letters written to Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio - Cortez. I’ve had quite a hard time picking it up because I knew I was going to be emotional reading it. As a hispanic woman, I understand the amount of pride other have in seeing someone that looks like us succeed. At the same time I know how much pain is wrapped up in that pride and that’s a hard emotion to deal with. But I’ve been on a role reading emotional and inspirational books lately and I’m ready to tackle it.

Her story is so relatable to so many people, from how her family dealt with her fathers illness to dealing with his death while in college. Honestly, that was the hardest part for me to read, AOC lost her father in her second year of her Biochemistry degree at BU; I lost both my grandparents, who were like parents to me, my third year of my Biomedical Engineering degree at Drexel. And I understand how much it hurts knowing you can focus on what’s going on, you have to get back and continue working because people are expecting you to fail. But you know that the only thing you can do is prove people wrong, because you are strong.

Seeing how so many other people relate to AOC, and can identify with her story makes me feel a little less alone. Similar to Becoming by Michelle Obama, it touches on the subject of being the “only” and how important it is for us, as women, to lift each other up and that experience stop being so common. AOC found her “squad” in other freshman members of congress and together they because a group of badass women kicking ass and taking names. And the fact that they had each other makes all the difference in the world. Not feeling alone or like the “only” helps you feel confident and know you have a support system backing you up.

This book is a collection of essays and at a certain point it does feel a bit repetitive. There are only a certain number of times that you can listen about her upset victory over Joe Crawley. What was truly gripping were the personal reactions the authors had to this event.