A review by crookedtreehouse
Spy Island by Lia Miternique, Rachelle Rosenberg, Chelsea Cain, Elise McCall, Joe Caramagna


This is a hard book to rate. I loved most of it. Cain writes great dialogue, I loved the series's conceit, and the ads based on products in the story's universe were awesome. I went into the final issue thinking this was going to be a five star book. Then it utterly fell apart. It felt like Cain was trying to pack three or four issues of story into one, and didn't know how to do it. All of the slick pacing and gradual introduction of characters and ideas were just flung into a blender and served as a big, frothy mess.

Even two more issues to tell this story, using the tone and narrative tricks of the first three issues in this volume would have made this one of my favorite books of the year.

Cain mentioned that she regretted only making this four issues, and that making the comic was just a way to get the intellectual property out into the world so she could get a TV deal. I hope she does. I'd love to see what this story would be like fleshed out at a consistent pace.