A review by bbqrplanting
Brazen Femme: Queering Femininity by Chloë Brushwood Rose, Anna Camilleri


When I picked up this book I was really excited (after all, just look at the cover!) I was really disappointed in this book. Someone recommended it to me and said it might help with my understanding of Femme-ness and help me evaluate my own shaky identity as a possible femme. It didn’t do this at all. Some of the articles tried to hard, others were just uninteresting. However, if you are going to pick up the book these articles worth reading:
-Whores and Bitches Who Sleep With Women by Kathryn Payne
-Drag Queens and Feminine Women: The Same but Kinda Different by Sky Gilbert
-Two Poetic Incantations by Karin Wolf
-Wheels Plus by Michelle Tea (although I’m not exactly sure why its in the collection)
-Fat is a Femme-inine Issue by Suzy Malik and Zoe Whitall (which is comic and one of the only things I identified with in the book)

There are a few more that aren’t so bad.

And the artwork throughout the book was also interesting/enjoyable. Maybe I just went into the book expecting too much.