A review by lilacs_books
The Unleashed by Sarah Dalton


All in all this was a very nice, conclusive end to the series, perhaps even a little too conclusive for my liking, but still a good end to The Blemished series.

I really liked the characters in this one. They've developed a lot since the first book and have become more and more real to me. Some of the personality traits that annoyed me in the first book have been explained somewhat. For example, it now makes more sense to me why Mina was constantly switching from whimpering little girl to kick ass heroine in The Blemished. It just brings things together nicely.

If you're going to read this book I suggest you read both of the Fractured novellas first. I learnt so much about Elena in The Fractured: Elena that really helped me understand her in this book. I wish I'd read The Fractured: Maggie too, so that I could've had more insight into her life and the reasons behind what she does in this book. Unlike with some in-between novellas these are actually quite relevant to the story and definitely worth reading, although you'd still be able to read this book without having read them.

The story in this was much more fast paced and I really liked that. I loved that it switched from Angela's, Mina's and Daniel's point to view so we knew what was happening in all the different places. Because of this when there was a not-so-interesting part with one of the characters there was sure to be something interesting going on with one of the others.

Oh yeah, one problem I had was the predictability of one part. I knew exactly what would happen, which was quite annoying. It wasn't me knowing what would happen that was worse though, it was all the other characters apparently falling for it. I don't believe for one second that the Mary who was presented in the second book would have fallen for the trick (which was extremely cliché, and really unoriginal).
SpoilerCome on! Letting an enemy cook you a meal and then being surprised when she drugged everyone!! It's just silly!

But still, it was a good book, a good series, definitely worth reading. Plus, these covers would look beautiful on a bookcase. :)

P.S. I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.