A review by weaselweader
High Crimes by Joseph Finder


Gripping legal thriller brain candy!

Do you remember William Calley and the disturbing story of his court martial as a result of the 1968 Vietnam War My Lai massacre? Now consider a fictional legal thriller based on the same circumstances with a somewhat different outcome. In HIGH CRIMES, the government and the military top brass will go to extreme measures to ensure their part in a senseless massacre that occurred when a well-intentioned black op went seriously off the rails stays under deep cover and out of public sight. “Extreme measures” in this case means the prosecution, court-martial and almost certain execution of Tom Chapman, a soldier who knows the true story of what happened that day and who has deep-sixed his true identity knowing he’d ultimately be targeted as the government fall guy for what happened on that fateful day over thirteen years earlier.

An eminently readable, compulsively page-turning thriller that fans of the genre will almost certainly demolish in a very small number of sittings! Enjoy the moment because it’s equally certain that you’ll forget the details, if not even the ending, within a matter of days after you’ve turned the last page. But, ultimately, that just doesn’t matter. What you WILL remember is that you enjoyed it thoroughly without having been mentally taxed for even a moment! And isn’t that what thriller brain candy is all about?

Highly recommended.

Paul Weiss