A review by dollycas
Sell Low, Sweet Harriet by Sherry Harris


Dollycas’s Thoughts

Sarah Winston’s business is slow during the colder blustery months but an estate sale is the perfect thing to keep her garage sale business in the black. A couple recently died while in Africa and their daughter has hired Sarah to liquidate the couple’s belongings. As retired CIA agents the couple traveled the world and collected a vast number of exotic items. The house is full of treasures. Treasures others seem to be interested in because there is a break-in, a suspicious visitor, and a hidden camera placed in the house. Sarah is nervous being the house alone and because it is a huge job she hires a couple of ladies from the nearby Air Force Base to assist her hoping there is safety in numbers. That is when she meets Harriet, a former FBI hostage negotiator with a flair for sales. She also has other talents that may come in handy.

Sarah has also been tasked to keep her eyes and ears open when on the base to help the authorities wrap up a murder that took place there. So instead of telling her to butt out of the investigation Sarah now feels she has permission to snoop.

Ms. Harris weaves two strong mysteries together this time to give her readers a real treat.

I was delighted to catch up with this group of special characters. Sarah’s life continues to unfold after her divorce from CJ. I really enjoy the relationship she is building with Seth. An old neighbor returns to rent the apartment next door and landlady/friend Stella’s relationship with Nathan Bossom (Awesome) may have hit a snag. Carol Carson, friend, and owner of Paint and Wine and Angelo and Rosalie DiNapoli are around to serve up advice and be sounding boards. The DiNapoli’ also serve up some mouthwatering Italian dishes that will make your mouth water. We are also introduced to several new characters. The dialogues between the characters in realistic and relationships make sense. Several subplots immerge allowing all the characters to really shine.

The mysteries are very well-plotted. I really liked the police asking Sarah for help even though she does go beyond their instructions just like they had to know she would. I enjoyed the twists and turns that played out with the estate sale mystery. The author really impressed me with the way both mysteries developed side by side to keep Sarah on her toes. Frankly, I was on my toes as well, completely drawn in but still putting clues together until all was revealed. Sherry Harris is also an expert at adding humor in all the right places. She had me truly giggling in places. I loved the ending too!

Entertaining and filled with wonderful characters Sell Low, Sweet Harriet, is an excellent addition to this series. The entire series are must-reads for all cozy lovers.