A review by rachd24
A Child Called 'It': One Child's Courage to Survive by Dave Pelzer


Two points to make in my review of this book -

One - I am shocked by the number of people who have turned a book review into a discussion over whether or not Pelzer was telling the truth or exaggerating in his memoir, if not making the whole thing up at all. I am struggling to decide if that is relevant in a review of the content of the book or entirely unfair. For those who say that abuse of this nature does not happen to children, do we really need to call upon recent news articles surrounding Baby P and the many other tragic and horrific cases of severe child abuse. I firmly believe that something as disturbing as this could happen in reality, as there are many many varieties and forms of abuse, all with a lasting impact. Now that the rant is over, on to the review.

Two - I read this book quite a few years ago now, and I suppose that is a testament to how much it has stuck with me that I can recall exact "scenes" from it now. I found the book challenging to read, and at times felt physically sick by the accounts. I also felt a large amount of disbelief and anger at Pelzer's father and others for doing absolutely nothing to prevent the attacks. I found that it was well written and is most likely a book that I will not read multiple times, it will certainly not become a "favourite" of mine, but it is one I think everyone should read at least once. It left an impression on me, and I hope it has helped Pelzer with his recovery.