A review by theamandashelby
Capsized by Julie Cannon


Capsized by Julie Cannon is written from the point of view of both lead characters. This is often done badly but Cannon pulled it off in this book. Alissa is very successful and owns her own business and does well. Bert runs a crew of fishermen on her boat. When I began the book it just didn’t seem like these two would ever mesh well. I know their love for the sea was a common point, but they were so different with very different lifestyles. I went into this book thinking it would be a disaster, and it was but a very different type. Alissa finds herself saved by Bert’s boat after hers sinks. I read the entire book, and while it wasn’t fantastic, it wasn’t awful either. I knew the author but was unsure if had previously read any of her work. I went back and looked, and I had read two other books by Cannon. Those too were middle of the road ratings for me. I am going to say if you really enjoy this author, you will love this book. It appears it is typical of her style and you will not be disappointed. I enjoyed the book and would read others by this author in the future. I personally think it is a book that you read and then forget about after. If you are looking for an easy, weekend read this could be it.

~copy provided by NetGalley for honest review~