A review by drasticsturgeon
Good Pop, Bad Pop by Jarvis Cocker

inspiring reflective medium-paced


Jarvis Cocker is my favourite person who isn't an actual friend or family member. I listen to so much of his music that sometimes my internal monologue adopts his voice to amuse me, to wit, I am quite the fan. I pre-ordered a signed copy of this book, then went to his book tour and got him to sign another, personalised to me, but as much as I had thumbed through, looked at all the inserted images I held off until I had a chance to listen to the audiobook, to save my conjuring up his voice to narrate in my head. I've had a revelation recently and as much as I enjoy reading, if the writer is a person I enjoy speaking, I will always try and find the audiobook if possible. I've been saving this treat and it has warmed and soothed me over the whole of a cold dark January.

I love his voice, his writing and outlook on the world as it is and having seen him do one of his pop/art talks a few years prior, this idea of presenting his autobiography around his view on 'pop' had been perculating for some time, I was excited to see how he'd pull it all together. The clearing of a loft full of his personal clutter that he'd been meaning to sort for years finally helped give structure to these ideas and he talks through the stories of his life, through the objects he rediscovered. He even held an exhibition of these items and early photographs around the book launch which was a delightful pry into his inner world. This added an extra layer for me as I've spent my adult life failing to ever properly tackle my own clutter as similarly, I hold a whole lot of sentimentality in my own things and a love of kitsch 'stuff'. Tackling it en masse, it is overwhelming. So not only have I LOVED this book. I now have the bonus of his voice in my head when I tackle my own memory laden items, do I KEEP? Or COB?