A review by liisp_cvr2cvr
The Raven by Jonathan Janz


Yup, you have all sorts of mythological creatures in The Raven. You also got cannibalism. Yikes. Luckily, it’s not described as the creepy type where a waft of lovingly made stew turns out to be someone’s grandmother. That type makes me gag, always. In The Raven, it’s the gory type. I can handle that. Weird. Anyway, the point is, as you may have got by now, the world is in shits, there are mostly mythological creatures roaming the earth and a few Latents (humans without any special powers) and every new face one meets can be the last face they meet because munch-munch. As far as post-apocalyptic horror thriller goes, it’s entertaining as heck and would make a really decent movie!

The Raven starts with action taking the reader straight down to business and giving a feel of the world as it is currently for our central character Dez, or the Raven as he will also be nicknamed. With the particulars and a look into the threats and dangers of the post-apocalyptic world out of the way, the book continues to give insight into the background of how we got here, the point of this desolate and kill or be killed world, why we’re on this treacherous journey with Dez (there’s a woman!) and what he is like as a person. Make no mistake though, you think you get to know this nerdy literature loving professor but he seems to be a gift that keeps on giving! ^^

There is plenty time for Dez to mull over his innermost thoughts as he ventures on his own. It’s interesting what the human mind can bring up… Things of import and not. I think author took a great risk, making a character vulnerable like that – one could easily bore a reader…. but as I mentioned earlier, Dez is one of those gifts that keeps on giving. He has so many inner conflicts, well, the past mistakes weighing heavily on his mind and there’s a woman. There’s always a woman. Goddammit, ladies, we make this world go around!