A review by reeyabeegale
There's Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon


3.5 stars

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong about this book, I think I might have just outgrown YA contemporary (or contemporary in general).

This is a feel-good and light YA novel. I enjoyed both Sweetie and Ashish, but more so of Sweetie; her braveness and confidence just amazed me. I hate body shaming and judging people based on their physical appearance, so I was with Sweetie on her cause.

Out of all 3 of the books, I loved the [main] characters here the most, they were so realistic and relatable. However, I’ve noticed (I guess it’s almost similar to most YA novels) that the conflicts/problems were resolved quite easily, almost in 1 full chapter/POV. It felt as if the book couldn’t wait to get to the happy ending that it seemed to have been a bit rushed.

Then again, it’s contemporary YA and you can’t expect too deep of a plot, because it’s meant to entertain and give you the bees-knees. I liked it because it was light and definitely a fast read, but there’s still room for improvements and I will still read the next installment (if ever there will be) or work within this family/groups of people.