A review by tita_noir
Beyond Seduction by Stephanie Morris


Autumn West has a problem. She is a 27 year old virgin. Well, this isn't really a problem since she deliberately decided she wanted to stay a virgin until marriage. However, time has slipped past her somehow. All the women around her are married or in great relationships. And now a girl whom she used to babysit is getting married.

Now Autumn is beginning to get nervous. She is unattached and there is no likely marriage prospects on the horizon. She lives in a small town in Texas and most of the men are already married, too old or too young. The most promising prospect, a sexy local rancher named Eli, has put himself off limits. His wife up and left him and his young son. Eli wants nothing to do with marriage minded women or any woman at all really so he is out of the running. But a girl has to have hope! So Autumn embarks on a plan to seduce a local lothario to get rid of her pesky virginity problem.

But when Eli come upon the guy getting a little too enthusiastic with Autumn, he dispatches him. Dismayed that her likeliest prospect of de-virginiation has been scared off, Autumn demands that Eli find her a replacement. But she has her own agenda, unbeknonwst to him, Autumn has turned her attention and wiles to Eli.

If someone had handed me this book without a cover and without any publication information, I would have sworn it was a Harlequin romance. Admittedly, I am not a fan of the harlequin romance, but calling it a HR is not a defamation of the book. It is just there are themes, set pieces, character types etc. that are hallmarks of that series and this book has them all -- word count, virgin, sweet romance, ranching dad, public declaration of love, feel good ending etc. So it would have fit very well with what Harl does and does well. But Harl seems reluctant to venture into IR romance so they missed out on a book that would have worked well for them.

Which is a shame, because this author is very talented and a wide audience of readers would enjoy exposure to her. If a book had a personality, I would say this one was sprightly, quick witted and funny. You can tell that the author has a naturally humorous 'voice' and it showed to great advantage especially in the first half of the book. I actually think the first part was much, much stronger than the second part of the book. Only because the back half of the book delved a little too much into formulaic rom-drama.

I hope this writer continues to write and hone her craft and writes longer form contemporary romances.