A review by capa105
Aimee and the Heartthrob by Ophelia London


Read full review HERE


I’ve been wanting to read this series for a little while now, so when the whole series showed up on Netgalley, I requested it, obviously, and so me and Cátia started our way through the Backstage Pass series with the first book, Aimee and the Heartthrob.

I don’t really know how to describe this book with any other word than “meh“… I usually love Entangled Crush books, but this one read way too young, if you get my drift. The writing was ok, and the pacing flowed well and the story is told in dual POV, in the third person. But it didn’t exactly stand out, to be honest.

The characters felt so much younger than they were supposed to be, and, as Cátia so well put it, this story would would way better if the characters were aged up a bit, because some situations (especially in Miles’ past), were not very credible to happen to a 15 yo boy. Aimee was also kind of annoying at times, and honestly, the whole fanfic thing she had done when she was 14?! Weird as hell… I mean, I guess I would be ok with that if she didn’t know the guy from before, but she did know him in real life, and I really thought that blog was kind of creepy… sorry!

The plot was extremely predictable and cliché… I was kind of hoping for something a little more out there =/. The couple did have a few cute moments, but the constant lies and hiding their feelings, didn’t quite work for me.

Overall it wasn’t the strongest beginning for a series, let’s hope that the books get better as we go.