A review by michalice
Blackwood by Gwenda Bond


*My review is based on the audiobook version of this book*

I really enjoy listening to audiobooks, and when I was contacted to review Blackwood I jumped at the chance.  I have previously heard of Blackwood, and it has drew my attention but I have not actually gotten around to picking up a copy.  From the minute I began listening I was hooked and I found it very difficult to stop and have to wait to listen again.  Even going as far as listening to it going to sleep, and putting it back on for just another half an hour to see what happens.

The narrator of Blackwood made it interesting and kept me entertained.  I even forgot a few times that it was just one person doing all the voices for the characters.  I loved her accent and the different tones she uses to get across the emotion the characters are feeling.

I really liked the whole idea behind Blackwood and I enjoyed getting to see Phillips and Miranda work together, unwillingly at first, but soon striking up a friendship.  They made a great team, and while they may not have done everything legally, they did get things done in the end.
One person that amused me was Roswell, the doctor.  Although he isn't an amusing character, his name is just perfect for him.  His whole attitude and quirkiness fits his name to a tee, and was also very fitting for the story.

Blackwood was a great story to listen too and I am looking forward to more from this author.