A review by shanaqui
Dent's Modern Tribes: The Secret Languages of Britain by Susie Dent



Sadly, despite loving Something Rhymes With Purple and figuring Susie Dent's insights and voracious word-collection would be an obvious great read, this book is mostly lists preceded by thumbnail sketches of a group, not always very accurate.

As an example, her section on gamers was almost entirely about the language surrounding MMORPGs, a fact she doesn't seem very aware of. I now play FFXIV and know most of this terminology -- but before that, I wouldn't have, despite being a gamer since I was a kid. (She also missed the FFXIV synonym for aggro, which is enmity, though some players who've come over from WoW and such will call it aggro, threat or hate. If you're seeing this, you're welcome, Susie.)