A review by pages_and_procrastination
Island for Two: Hawaii Magic\\Fiji Fantasy by Beverly Jenkins, Elaine Overton


Anita is a hard working lawyer in LA with a fiance, who's climbing the ladder in New York. Her mom is not her biggest supporter and her dad is pushing her to work. Her boss tells her that she is considering her for partner, but first wants her to take a vacation- to make sure she won't work herself to the ground when she gets to partner. So Anita goes to Hawaii. Relunctantly. She treats it as something to be checked off a to do list and has no plans to actually enjoy it. Then sh meets Steve, the pilot that flies her from the mainland to Hawaii. Then she gets stuck with him.

This is a novella, super short so I won't say more than that.

Guys, I wanted to be mad that so much happened, that it was whirlwind romance that made no sense. I am not a fan of insta-love. Especially in adult romances, I need the build up. I want to see them get to know each other, to see the bonds form.
Well this is a whirlwind romance. It's not a love triangle. It was so much fun, and reinforced my desire to visit Hawaii- not for romance but because it's a beautiful place. Even though this is just a novella, a lot happens. The romance blossoms and grows into something beautiful. It had its share of sizzling hot moments and funny moments. I am so glad that Anita stood up for herself to her mother. I am glad that Anita was a strong character and knew her own mind so she didn't go back to her ex-fiance. I am also glad that Steve wasn't there to add drama or to seemingly sway her decision.
I needed a pick me up from my last read and Ms. Bev delivered!