A review by divapitbull
Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews


GM takes place in the Kate Daniel's world with the same cast of characters. The timeline of the story overlaps the events in the Magic Gifts novella which is included. GM is told from the POV of Andrea Nash, Kate's BFF. Andrea is back from her self imposed, "I gotta find myself" exile and coming to terms with her Beastkin nature. Jim, the Alpha of Clan Cat and Curran's head of security pulls Andrea into a murder investigation since Kate and Curren are occupied with the events happening in Magic Gifts. Andrea's investigation into the murders brings her back into contact with her ex. beau Raphael; who she hasn't seen since their big argument and Andrea hieing off into parts unknown after the battle with Kate's aunt.

I like Andrea. Overall I think she's a pretty tough cookie and a decent female lead; but I wasn't on her side with the whole "relationship conflict fiasco". When you add up all the events from the beginning - I kinda side with Raphael and I felt he was the injured party. Still I liked their bantering and I enjoy the humor the authors inject into the story. I liked Andrea's comaraderie with Ascanio. I really like Roman and hope he continues to make an appearance in future installments.

Magic Gifts is a short story that seems to set the stage for Magic Rises with regard to Kate's re-involvement in the Mercenary Guild. There are some fun moments between Kate and Ghastek - everyone's favorite Master of the Dead.