A review by gilmoreguide
How to Party with an Infant by Kaui Hart Hemmings


At twenty-eight Mele Bart finds herself as a single mother, because after giving birth to daughter Ellie her boyfriend Bobby tells her he was "kind of engaged" to someone else.  What?! Not one to wallow and with a infant to care for, Mele moves on. In an effort to have some kind of life outside her apartment she tries to find support in one of the neighborhood groups of the San Francisco Mother’s Club, but finding the right SFMC to join it’s harder than it sounds. She’s looking for somewhere between the crunchy granola mothers who breastfeed until the child leaves for high school and the yummy mommies who

She looked like she was going to the Golden Globes and she wasn’t holding a baby. She looked like she had never held a baby, just a Pomeranian in a Burberry raincoat, and I wondered if babies were discouraged at playdates.

Thankfully, she encounters Annie, Barrett, Georgia and Henry and their laidback, irreverent SFMC chapter is born. Things gets even better when the SFMC runs a cookbook competition which she enters, banking on her experience as a recipe blogger. One of the names she suggests for her cookbook, if she wins, is How to Party with an Infant, which is also the name of this new novel from Kaui Hart Hemmings.

The rest of this review is available at The Gilmore Guide to Books: http://wp.me/p2B7gG-1NA