A review by midnighteyesx
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson


Imagine waking up one day and being told by everyone around you that your boyfriend doesn’t exist, has never existed, and you’re the only one who remember them.

The mystery of this is what propels the plot, and what became my sole reason to finish this book. Simply the writer in me wanted to be shocked and surprised and sated, not just shamelessly dangled around obvious possibilities like schizophrenia, or it’s all a simulation, or maybe the universe really IS shrinking etc and I built it up so much in my head that it would be a better resolution that when it finally dropped I actually groaned. Couldn’t thunk the book down onto a hard surface because it was a kindle and price gouging is real right now.

I will *always* reject an ending to a story that makes the entirety of the journey pointless.