A review by english_lady03
Edwin: High King of Britain by Edoardo Albert


Britain 604 AD.
Two centuries after departure of the legions Roman Britannia was gone- its cities abandoned, the land divided into petty kingdoms under barbarian warlords vying for wealth, glory and power. Christianity was a distant memory as the Britons were pushed out by the Anglo-Saxons from across the sea, men who served gods that only loved those that died in battle.

In this land a lonely royal exile, Edwin, heir to the Northern Kingdom of Deira hears of a plot to betray him to the King who killed his father and had sought his life for years. Wandering on the moonlit coast, despairing of his life, Edwin is witness to a remarkable sign which would change his life and the course, and the future of a Kingdom....

Since reading [b:The Ecclesiastical History of the English People/The Greater Chronicle/Letter to Egbert|379961|The Ecclesiastical History of the English People/The Greater Chronicle/Letter to Egbert|Bede|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1174322677s/379961.jpg|26217814] a famous work of history by an eighth century monk Bede as a teenager I have been captivated by Edwin of Northumbria’s story. When I discovered a novel about him from a well-known Christian publisher I snapped it up, and the effort of reading was well worth it.
Historian and archeologist Edoardo Albert is clearly familiar with the era,
and has bought this story to life with beautiful description of a long-departed landscape, and a richly detailed representation of the culture, customs and beliefs of the early Saxon people.
Warriors, feasting in the hall, listening to a bard singing tales of the gods and heroes of old, bound by promise of gold- and sometimes bonds of loyalty to their lord. Kings, the chief of warriors, givers of gold to the men who stood beside them on the shield-wall- on whose loyalty their very lives and kingdoms may depend.

In was in this world that Edwin rose to High King of Britain, conquering or gaining most of the Kings and Kingdoms around him with the strength of the sword, marriage or diplomacy. Yet Edwin does not act entirely out of a desire for glory and fame, but a desire to unite his people. He and his fellows are well-drawn and believable characters, coming to terms with a changing world in which they were in many ways behind.

The Christian content and its impact on the lives of the people was well-woven in with the characters of the King’s young wife her Roman priest Paulinus, and his companion James. With a will of Iron, and a pair of woolen drawers to ward off the freezing temperatures Paulinus preached the gospel amongst the pagan men. Though it takes many years, Edwin eventually converts alongside his family, many of his people, and his pagan priest. The presentation of the gospel message tailored to the pagan Saxons was intriguing and sensitive, yet not clichéd or contrived.

My only complaints were some descriptions of the great fortress of Bamburgh which spoke of a garderobe and spiral staircase more at home in a twelfth century castle then a seventh century fortress, and some language that was a little too modern. There is violence, as it was a violent age- but no sex, which is a real plus considering many secular novels of this genre. Christian readers may wish to note that there is some description of the pagan priest having convulsions, cursing people, and other manifestations. I believe though that such things were known in ancient pagan religions, and are clearly regarded by the Christians as false and demonic.

It is the mark of a good writer indeed that I enjoyed this book so much despite knowing what happened to Edwin already from Bede. Recommended for all those interested in the medieval period, the Vikings, the Anglo-Saxons, and Conversion period, accurate, evocative historical fiction or those seeking something different.

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for a review, and was not required to write a positive one.