A review by squishysnail
Frog by Mary Calmes


Help. I just OD-ed from the sugar content of this book.

I liked the story but it was just too much perfect and too much cuteness. I get Mary Calmes' appeal. I can see why her books would be considered comfort reads, because this book is exactly that. There's no angst. Just lots and lots of loving and cuddling with just a smidgen of drama for some excitement.

Weber is just beloved by the whole wide world. From what I've read from other reviews, this is a popular character type for her writing. I still can't decide where I stand on this type of character, but for this book, it just doesn't totally work for me. I will, however, admit it was cute at times to see him wander around the book like a cowboy Pied Piper with little kids and dogs trailing behind him wherever he goes.

Cy is just eh.

This is the second book I have read from her. I liked Acrobat a lot more.