A review by ladysadiereads
The Never Have I Ever Club by Mary Jayne Baker


Will and Robyn have known each other forever. Grown-up next to each other and been best friends for years - until Will's identical twin mucked it all up. Now they are just learning to be friends again - in time for said twin to return home. This was a gut-wrenching, rom-com with some twin brothers, friends to lovers and a love triangle - all with the backdrop of the real story: learning to live - really live.

Robyn Bloom feels a bit stuck in her life when a health scare - scares her right into starting a club all based on ticking things off the bucket list. She along with her ride or die besties and a set of twins that are really each their own headache try everything from sailing to burlesque dancing. Will and Ash are both heroes in the story in their own right. Will is the quintessential boy next door that is the stolid, calm town GP and the twin that has it all together. Ash is the fun one though. - and who doesn't love the fun one? (Honestly - I found him to be a prat for the most part but either he grew on me or grew as a character... I am still not convinced of which.)

Definitely more women's fiction or relationship fiction than steamy romance. It is a great read and a solidly good time!