A review by hyperashley
The Cliffhouse Haunting by Tamara Thorne, Alistair Cross


What a perfect way to kick off October. This was a creepy story with horribly disgusting villains. It was fast paced and it was very easy for me to fall right into the story and not want to stop reading it until it was over. This is the perfect book to read during the halloween season.

The Cliffside lodge is a hotel run by, Sara the daughter of Adam and Teddy Baxter-Bellamy and together they run the place. After starting some remodeling things have been getting weird, people hearing their names and bathrooms getting foggy for no reason, that sort of thing. Murders are happening all over town and they keep getting worse the closer to Octoberfest it gets. Jackson, the chief of police is doing the best he can to solve these strange murders. Will he be able to figure it out before the murders hit too close to home?

First of all I want to talk about Constance Welling's character and how terrible she was. She was disgusting and it was very easy for me to hate her. How dare she try to get in the way of Sara and Luke, and all the other horrible things that she did. I wasn't upset in the least with what happened to her. I laughed when Sara ripped out her piercing, she deserved that and then when Polly punched her in the face - that was great. She gives writers a bad name, that's for sure.

Sara and Luke were adorable, I just wish there was more of them. They had their teenie-tiny moment and then that was all that was really said about them. I also loved Jackson and Polly...okay I liked Polly period. She was tough and she punched two people right in their face and didn't give a damn about it. More books need a Polly in them. Pairing Polly with the chief of police was a good idea because Jackson needed someone tough. Adam and Teddy were also great characters. I was glad to see a gay couple in here, especially a gay couple with a daughter. I loved everything about that and it's sad that it's not in more books.

Roger...wow insane. At first I did not think he was going to turn out like that, I didn't really know what to expect from him but not this. I did not think the doctor of a small town was going to flip his lid and start killing people and I definitely did think he was going to do that to their bodies. That was just gross. I also did not think the Hammerhead was who they ended up being. I spent so much time trying to figure it out, trying to figure out who killed people with hammers and I did not guess right. Good job, keeping me guessing throughout the entire book.

I did think the ending was kind of easy. I guess I thought the blue lady would put up a fight not just give up and accept her fate, I was shocked it was so easy. I didn't know how they were going to get rid of the ghost but I figure some episode of Supernatural was going to help, it wasn't that difficult though. I think this book would be great for anyone that wants a weird, creepy book that will keep them guessing.