A review by kbkittyb
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot


What the hell was that ending?!! It just came out of the blue! I am crying...but why?!

This book was surprisingly good. I was expecting typical victorian nothing-actually-happens approach but there was definitely elements of the sensational novel about it.

The characters are mostly likable, or at least, pitiable. I love the feminism instilled throughout, and the social satire. The love scenes are actually well executed, not just the usual in-passing proposals that tended to be written in that era.

I was as torn as Maggie was a lot of the time, and that is a sign of a well written book.

Unexpectedly likable. Sad but not depressing. The ending I didn't really like as it seemed to be rushed and didn't really fit....but it was moving and written excellently. Another underrated female author!