A review by prationality
Hunter Bond by Carysa Locke


(diverse read: biracial child and interracial couple, please note this is a sequel to PIRATE BOUND and prequel to PIRATE NEMESIS, two sci fi romancea that also feature interracial couples)

Poor little Tama, suffering from severe pain...I read PIRATE NEMESIS before this, so I knew the end result for this, but it was still unsettling to watch Dem and Sanah struggle to find the answers they sought.

As part of the overall world that Locke is building this was a good taste of aspects of it -- since this is a sequel to PIRATE BOUND (when Dem & Sanah got together) broadstrokes are used to describe what a Hunter or Killer are and the universe at large.

This isn't a detraction but a plus as it focuses on the newer concept of the kith and gives readers a chance to see the new dynamic of what it means for Dem to be in a relationship. Its not easy and even three years into it, bumps occur because he is uncertain of the nuances to expect.

While this may be a but too dependent on foreknowledge of the characters to be enjoyed as a standalone, its definitely a treat.