A review by kharliah
Match Game by Craig Alanson


I enjoyed the book but I'm glad we're so close to the end of the series.

I'm glad the plot structure was different to the usual "we have to do x, we screwed up, we miraculously pulled this one off yay!".

However I'm really getting over the constant repeated descriptions and overall conversations. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the following:

Absent minded beer can, dumb dumb, filthy monkey, ignorant monkey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, Skippy you arse, *Joe interrupting Skippy while Skippy is trying to give him vital information*, *Skippy embarrassing Joe by telling the crew about Joe's shower routines*, Skippy not knowing obscure references that Joe mentions, despite Skippy having earth's entire history memorised and the fastest mind in the universe.

There are a few others I've forgotten but there are 250k words in the English dictionary, surely some can be utlisied to vary the descriptions.