A review by merryfaith
Unf*ck Your Habitat: You're Better Than Your Mess by Rachel Hoffman

informative inspiring slow-paced


I know I at least started the physical version of this years ago, but I don't have it in my goodreads history so maybe I didn't finish before the library loan was done? Or I just forgot to log it. Anyway, since I'm working through Cleaning Sucks (Hoffman's journal/workbook with the UFYH ethos) now and the audiobook was available at my library, I thought it may be worth it to refresh my memory. 

I really like this book, and UFYH in general, but I am definitely its target audience: someone who doesn't currently have even a basic cleaning/tidying/etc routine and almost always has her house out of control (or headed that way) until company comes (and even then, it's a lot of shoving things into closets and rooms and shutting the door). This book is a good primer for those of us who need to figure out how to keep housekeeping manageable, maybe we're often overwhelmed or really busy, but don't find other more stringent systems (like Flylady) work for us. It's also GREAT for people with mental health or chronic health problems because the majority of cleaning books and systems don't factor in the impact they have on even the most basic duties.

So, this may not be for you. I think most books in this genre can be hit or miss for folks. Definitely check it out from your library if you can in one format or another and glean whatever is useful for you and do away with the rest. Or, just check out the UFYH website/blog/app and checklists. 

But if you're like me and have been looking around your home and feeling distraught, and just end up on the couch or bed with netflix or a book because you don't know where to even begin (and it seems too exhausting to, and who is coming over in 2020 anyway??)- this is for us.

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