A review by mila_readsmm
Just a Bit Captivated by Alessandra Hazard


***4.5 rating***

"He wanted this man, wanted to crawl into his mouth, between his ribs, wanted to wrap around the heart within and know him from inside out. Down to the marrow. Every molecule."

It's no secret that Alessandra's work holds a special place in my heart, falling into the category of guilty pleasures. She has a knack for crafting narratives around possessive protagonists, entangled in codependent, toxic relationships that border on obsession. It's a niche that resonates with me. Discovering a favorite author tends to cultivate a particular fondness, and Alessandra's writing has that effect on me. I find myself devouring her books in single sittings, regardless of the subject matter – a testament to her storytelling prowess. While not every piece resonates equally, the Straight Guy Series, in particular, remains a constant favorite, beckoning re-reads time and again.

The anticipation for AH's latest release, "Just a Bit Captivated," slated for November 2023, was nothing short of thrilling and exciting. Knowing Alessandra's tendency to keep a low profile, the delay in the book's publication due to personal reasons was understandable. Initially expecting the release in early 2024, Alessandra pleasantly surprised us all by setting the publication date for November 23. Needless to say, the prospect of diving into a new AH book was met with sheer excitement.

Ever since Jordan's story unfolded in "Just a Bit Heartless," shedding light on his younger brother Aidan's plight as a victim of human trafficking, my curiosity had been piqued. In my reviews of AH's work, I often emphasize the need to suspend disbelief to fully savor her narratives. Realism takes a back seat in her stories, but for those intrigued by her unique style and willing to embrace this departure from reality, the experience is worth the ride.

"Just a Bit Captivated," the 14th installment in this series, follows Aidan, a 21-year-old whose life took a harrowing turn when he became a victim of human trafficking. Sold into an auction catering to the depraved desires of affluent individuals, Aidan's fear of being bought by someone seeking to exploit his vulnerability is palpable. His apprehension amplifies when he is purchased by Zain Rahim, a mysterious figure and one of the sons of a wealthy sheikh.

Zain, 32, acquires Aidan for his younger brother, known for his indiscrete behavior. While such behavior might be tolerated in the West, in the conservative landscape of the Middle East, specifically the UAE, homosexuality is illegal, carrying severe repercussions. As a Middle Eastern woman, I was intrigued by how AH would navigate this sensitive subject, especially the complexities of remaining closeted in an Islamic country. Once more, suspending disbelief is key to immersing oneself in this series.

Zain's rationale behind purchasing Aidan is to control his brother's urges, thereby shielding him from their conservative father's scrutiny. This forms a disturbing pact. Aidan, though repulsed by this arrangement, finds himself strangely drawn to the restrained and enigmatic Zain, exploiting every opportunity to provoke a reaction from him.

Aidan's bratty demeanor becomes a catalyst for the burgeoning dynamic between them. Zain's perception of Aidan as inexperienced for his brother prompts an unexpected demand for them to 'practice' together, an ironic twist. The reserved Zain finds himself increasingly captivated by Aidan's presence. Their relationship, though possessive and unhealthy, unfolds with an inexplicable allure. The restrained Zain and the spirited American Aidan form a complex pair, rife with raw emotions and a forbidden chemistry. The development of their relationship is a highlight, making Zain one of AH's standout love interests. Fans of "Just a Bit Bossy" will find similarities in the captivating possessiveness and addictive allure of the couples.

My enjoyment of this book goes beyond my admiration for AH's work. When a story resonates deeply and an author delivers credit is undeniably due. It's important to note that the themes explored in this book – human trafficking, kidnapping, and internalized homophobia – might be triggering for some readers. However, for those intrigued by the elements mentioned, this book promises an engrossing experience. I am excited for the release of book 15, whenever that may be.

I received this ARC from the author, and this is my honest opinion/review.


excuse me! this is coming out in November??? i love how Alessandra casually said here you go people... lmao