A review by read_on_reader
The Damaged by Tijan


I have been anticipating this second book since I finished the first a while ago and I can say that I really did enjoy it. We are back with Kash and Bailey after everything that happened in book one and things are better and some things are not. Kash is now a busy man trying to plot and plan against those who want to hurt him or Bailey and Bailey is trying to move forward anyway possible except she is still haunted by her kidnapping. As they both try to navigate these new waters it is challenging trying to adjust to it all, yet one thing remains true and the same that’s their love for each other. They now have an unbreakable bond that no matter what comes their way or who tries to come between them nothing can stop the love they share. I have to admit it started out slow building us up for what was to come yet it did take a while and a few things became a tad repetitive like Kash swooping in to save the day only for them to speed off in his car. I was eagerly trying to figure out what everyone’s endgame was but there are still so many people hiding so much and other’s that just have devious plans. I loved that no matter what Kash and Bailey were going through they never strayed from each other, they relied on each other and nothing tore them apart. I also love the bond that Bailey and Matt are trying to continuously grow and I hope we see more from that and their other siblings. This does end on quite the cliffhanger preparing us for the final book and I must say this was shocking. The las of the book was suspenseful and held me captivated that I was shocked and can’t wait to read the next book. There is still a lot of secrets and both characters will be tested in the next book, it is going to be very intriguing to see how it all plays out.