A review by corrie
Bitten in the Big Easy by Delilah Devlin, Paisley Smith


I chose this vampire erotica because I really like Paisley Smith and she is contributing one of the two stories in this first book of the Femme Noir Series titled Bitten in the Big Easy.

We start with Smith’s Butterfly and we are introduced to vampire Narcissa (Cissy) Csintalan who is visiting the Absinthe House in New Orleans to find herself a meal in an attractive package. She is also there to meet up with her sister Elena and while she is waiting her eyes fall on the music set and on the sexy butch bass player in particular.

Butterfly fully believing Cissy is yet another vampire wannabe invites her over to her place for some fun and (hopefully) rough sex. She is a submissive with a penchant for being bitten. Maybe this blond pigtailed beauty can deliver. You can imagine Butterfly’s shock and surprise when it turns out Narcissa is the real deal. A night of pleasure and pain awaits and Butterfly does not expect to greet another dawn.

Gilded Cage by Delilah Devlin takes us right back to the same location ( Jean Lafitte’s Old Absinthe House) as we meet Elena looking for her older sister Narcissa. She does not spot her sister but when she locks eyes with the voluptuous Cassia she gets a raging fang-on. She too gets invited to follow the tasty mortal to her dwelling, a fun night and a last hurrah on the menu. Elena will soon find out that her night will not go as she planned.

Two well written erotic tales but clearly not of the sweet and tender kind. We are dealing with vampires after all and much is made out of the sensory aspect of being a creature of the night. The smells, the taste of blood, the various types of blood, rough sex (we run the whole gamut here: dom/sub, oral, anal, fisting, strap-on, flogging, blood play, biting). So pretty hard core but very well done.

f/f explicit

Themes: it gets hot and heavy in the crescent city, vampires and witches oh my, magic, sired by the blood countess Báthory herself, you have to read part deux as well because it ends in a big cliff hanger.

4 stars