A review by ptstewart
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett


This doesn’t work for me. Simultaneously slow and too fast paced, Discworld has the world building style as Frank Herbert—with better writing, characters, and humor—which is to say that it is chalk full of details that do not do enough to explain the actual structure of the world in any concrete way. Some may say, well, the reader may have to do some work here, and to that I argue that if I wanted to do work, I wouldn’t be reading a fantasy novel.

The writing is fun and incredibly (read: complicatedly) imaginative, and the characters are not fleshed out enough to be either likable or unlikable, the wit is well done but I would argue rarely laugh-out-loud funny as others say of Pratchett. Overall, I found myself skipping paragraph after paragraph to shorten the read—a sign that I ought to quit—and still able to keep up with what I would consider an overly simple plot: a few characters traverse a magical landscape with no particular destination in mind while trying to avoid everything that wants to capture and/or kill them.

So overwrought with unnecessary (though whimsical) details that, for me, this got boring very quickly.