A review by kjgillenwater
Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again by Donald J. Trump


I was curious about Trump's positions when he rose in popularity over the summer. This book has all the details you could want about Trump's plans for America, should he become president. It includes everything from tax reform to trade deals and foreign policy. He has his ducks in a row, as everything is cited and footnoted to support his policies.

The book is easy and quick to read, since the font is large and the lines are one-and-a-half or double spaced. I brought it with me on a camping trip, and it was an enjoyable past time. I didn't feel bored or overwhelmed with boring details. He gets to the point quickly, and you can hear his distinctive voice in your head as you read.

If you are curious what Trump is all about, pick up this book. I got the 2011 version (he is going to release an updated 2015 version this fall) used on Amazon for very cheap. The original hardcover price was about $27...not sure if I'd pay that price for it.

Worth your time, if you are into politics.