A review by nesa42
The Girlfriend's Guide to Gods by Maria Dahvana Headley


The book in a sentence: Love sucks.

If this was a Buzzfeed article, its title would be "3 myths about romantic love, debunked".

This is a story that chronicles the "romantic" relationships between a human (or a nymph? they call her both) and famous Greek myth figures such as Icarus and Zeus. Every relationship debunks a myth she used to believe about love.

The concept is riveting and the message it delivers is important. I also liked the use of the second person narrative. At times it seemed unbelievable that the protagonist would put up with so much, but I wouldn't dare say it was exagerated: I've seen way too many toxic YA and NA romances with sky-high ratings (I even read some when I was younger – wasted time I'll never get back!). This message needs to be repeated until trashy romances go were they belong: not on the big screen, but in the trash.

The only thing lacking was
Spoilerthat she never stood up for herself in front of her abusers, she never called them out on their hypocrisy or spoke up to let others know their true colors. I would have loved to see this happening, as it would have made other women/ nymphs/ goddesses/ spirits/ cows (Zeus knows no limits) think twice before getting involved with them.

Overall, and enjoyable read with an empowering feminist message. Plus, it's free!)

"This is the first myth: that your boyfriend from when you were fifteen will come and get you out of hell."

My rating: 3.5 --> there were several aspects I particularly enjoyed, I’d recommend it