A review by accordingtoemma
(Don't) Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start the Conversation About Mental Health by Kelly Jensen


This book.
Beautiful in every single way you could imagine. The authors and artists featured in this interwoven nonfiction work made me feel connected to them and made me feel like I knew them. After reading (almost) every single one of the articles or stories, and after admiring (almost) every single graphic or drawing, I felt moved and I felt like I truly learned something. I felt spoken to. Obviously, some readers will connect more with other works more than others. The reason I put the (almost) in the aforementioned sentence is not because I didn't agree or enjoy some of the works of art I witnessed. I put that there because I merely just did not connect with some as much as I did with others. Even with that being the case, it is impossible to not admire the rawness and the beautifulness of every single work of art featured in this story. It moved me in ways I did not expect, and I feel as if I learned so much about mental illness. I feel as if that was the point of this book being published. I feel like this book did everything it set out to do. It was beautiful and words cannot express how much I appreciated this book being in my brain. That is all.