A review by books_with_tutusandsons
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante


Why, oh why, has this one been sitting on my shelf for almost two years? And all the time I was thinking that my friends dont have a clue when they praised this book. I silently judged them thinking it was depressing and boring. ⁣⁣
But guess what? Damn I was wrong.⁣⁣

I've finished it in couple of days. Its quick. Its interesting. Its atmospheric. Its real. There is no fooling around - what you see is what you get. You want a picture of life in Naples in 1950? You got it.

Through the eyes of a little girl you will meet a whole neighbourhood. Everybody knows everybody's business. Even the children that have their own explanations of the adult world. They are loud, they are feisty, they are proud, they are romantic. Sometimes they act foolish, sometimes they act stupid. You will meet our narrator - Elena, and her best friend Lila. So similar but so different. Their friendship through life is the essence of this book. The jelaousy. The silent rivalry. The love. The attachment. Each has its own flaws, none is perfect. But still, they are both just girls trying to find their way in the world that surrounds them. ⁣⁣
Maybe the reason I loved it is because it reminded me of my childhood. Of my friends. Of the way of life back then..the simpler one. Of the proud men. Of the poverty. And about small delights in life. ⁣⁣
It is really hard to describe this book with words. But please, try reading it. It will stay with you, I can promise you that. ⁣⁣