A review by steph01924
Defiance by Lili St. Crow


I'm sort of ambivalent about this book. I had some problems with it, and I'm kind of glad there is only one more coming, because I don't know how much more I can take of certain things.

The Good Stuff:
Ash. Loved his transformation, finally.
Anna got some layers added to her character. It wasn't much, and it was a bit cliche, but I enjoyed the scenes with her much more than the other book.
Dru finally taking action in the last third of the book (and hopefully no more weird, constant references to her 'blooming' now that has happened).
The cliffhanger with just Dru, Graves, and Ash on their own. Where will this go? Can the relationship between the two be revived?

The Bad Stuff:
Dru just training and going on mini-missions in the opening. We are led to believe it's been at LEAST a month since Graves' disappearance. We're told she did a bit of scrying for Graves, and constantly pesters the groups that are supposed to be on the lookout for him. That's IT? She's afraid he is going to be psychologically and physically tortured around the clock, yet she is OK with shopping sprees with her new werewulf companion and going to raves to kill baby vamps. What a shit friend. I don't care how much 'training' Christophe thinks you need. Get a little reckless and go out there and LOOK for your BFF! Then we also find out she's periodically kissing Christophe, like she is unable to stop herself. Looks like she's gotten over Graves being her only friend pretty quick. At this point, Dru should just settle for Chris. Graves deserves way better.

Am I the only one who felt a teensy bit of pleasure at thinking that Christophe betrayed Dru by giving Graves to Sergej? But, no, it turns out he's just as loyal as ever. Eh.

It's only been a few days since I read it, but I can't remember much about the first two thirds of the book. Obviously, as evidenced above, I'm a bit bitter about the lack of action. But the only things standing out to me as I try to remember the storyline are from when Leon comes back with the news about Graves. That's kinda sad, because I remember quite clearly what happened throughout the entire first book.