A review by amberisreading
The Victoria in My Head by Janelle Milanes


so this was a book about our mc victoria cruz, a 2nd generation latina whose parents immigrated from cuba so they could attain "the american dream". as such they have so many expectations of victoria as i can imagine the immigrant parents have of their children and victoria's life is a series of predictable constants which she has come to find boring but is too scared to try to change. that is, until she meets strand who's posting a flyer about auditions for a new lead singer of their band. victoria auditions despite her fear of not being good enough in addition to her fear of disappointing her family and she succeeds thus beginning her new found friendship with strand, krina and levi.

this book was pretty good in that it explored topics such as living up to the expectations of your family vs doing what makes you happy, new teenage relationships and all the insecurities and drama that come with it etc. i did find that i often forgot the characters were 15-16 year olds (probably because my life wasn't so exciting at that age although i can't remember what i did at 15 for the life of me). there was a part coming to the end where victoria was being severely judgemental towards strand and her best friend annie due to a mix up (and i seriously DISLIKE miscommunication as a trope to further a plot it's just so...lazy imo) but in a strange way that made her even more human because yes she wants to be happy for her friends but she's also experiencing all these other emotions of jealousy and anger and regret. all in all, even though i wouldn't put it up there with my favourites i liked it.