A review by anabelsbrother
His Perfect Partner by Priscilla Oliveras


3.75 stars

For a debut novel, this is pretty much A+. I love Yazmine and her family; I love her relationship with her father and two sisters, I love how tight they are with each other. It took a while for me to warm up to Tomas, but his kid Maria is so adorable I want to adopt her.

The pacing of the novel is slow but I didn't mind it much because we get to see more buildup in the relationships between Tomas and Yazmine's family, and Yazmine and Maria, and Tomas and Yazmine themselves. I love that the story is rich in culture; I 89% understood the Spanish in the dialogues without having to look them up, which I'm very proud of myself.

The romance? SLOW BURN. I love seeing Tomas and Yazmine's relationship progressed from professional (Yaz is Maria's dance teacher) to friends to hey, I think I might love you. The only complaint from me about the romance is there is no sex???? I've been expecting it because their kisses are hot??? WHY DID YOU DEPRIVE ME OF THE SEX, MS. OLIVERAS???

Overall, it's a great read. I couldn't put it down! Super excited for Rosa and Jeremy's book next!

E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher via Netgalley.