A review by bookphile
The Iron Will of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee


Tbh, I'm not sure how to feel about this book, I liked it overall, but there were kind of major things that annoyed me.

1. Genie and Quentin's relationship was practically non-existent. The reason Epic Crush was so fun was because of the constant banter. It was silly and hilarious and made me absolutely love the first book. It almost felt like the author either didn't know how to handle a new dynamic or didn't want to focus too much on the relationship, so he did was authors love to do to newly created couples in second books: he made them fight and have misunderstandings so that they spent most of the book not talking and being mad at each other. Genie, I understand, she's a teenager girl with a temper and a ton of stress, poor financial situation, etc. But Quintin - I mean I get he's a happy go lucky guy - but he's still thousands of years old, and you're telling me he doesn't know how to handle relationships? I get that the relationship problems is just one part of the stress, but honestly, it would have been much more unique and fun to have them still bickering and taking on foes as a team - instead of ignoring and snubbing each other - or in Quintin's case blowing Genie off to hang out with other people. Their relationship didn't really seem genuine, and more forced than anything.

2. This book wasn't as fun as the other was. The first book had a ton of stress for Genie too, but it was handled with slapstick comedy and fun banter. Since there was no banter in this book to distract from the stress, the jokes didn't come as often, and the situations were just too stark and serious. Plus Genie is so over-powered that she doesn't really have trouble handling anything.

3. That ending. Honestly I would have preferred the dead to stay dead. Instead of skipping several years ahead to a miraculous rescue and reversal. I don't know. I love happy endings, but the stings on this one were too neatly tied. It felt too big and too rushed, something that could have been its own story.