A review by katiegilley
The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow


“That’s all magic is, really: the space between what you have and what you need.”

I started this just after it was published but had to step away from it because I was in a reading rut at the time. But I grabbed it when it was an Audible Daily Deal a few months ago because I knew I’d love it when the time was right for me. And I did!

Set in the late 1800s, three sisters are reunited in New Salem. They join up with the local suffragette movement and use their witchy ways to fight for women’s rights. They learn that witches throughout the centuries have been passing on their spells to their children through the nursery rhymes and lullabies that we all know so well, so the words are accessible to all of us but the magic only appears when we desperately need it.